1. Basic Concepts
Web forms are one of the most important ways to let users upload their information to the server.
A web form is usually a composition of several input
widgets nested in <fieldset>
or <div>
Here are some main elements used in web forms:
: The wrapper of the whole form.<fieldset></fieldset>
: used to separate different form sections<legend></legend>
: the title of the form<input />
: the label binding with the input
Usually, a widget consists of a label
element and an input
wrapped by <ul>
, <ol>
, <p>
, or <div>
Now, let's introduce the web form from the innermost element: input
2. Input element
Here is a wigdet, who has a label
and an input
<label for="name">Name: </label>
<input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter your name" required />
It looks like this, you could type some text in it:
Besides the 'text' type, it also has many types to adapt to different scenarios. Let's have a look at them one by one.
2.1 Single line input:
There are some 'single line input' elements. It has a variety of types.
- text:文字输入组件,当选中时,移动端将自动弹出26键(或9键)键盘
- tel:电话号码输入组件,当选中时,移动端将自动显示为数字键盘
- url:链接输入组件
- email:电子邮箱输入组件
- search:搜索组件,当输入文字后,将在右侧显示❌,点击后可以清除搜索内容
- password:输入的字符将显示为圆点,但发送时没被加密,建议使用 https 传输加密协议
- hidden:用户不可见,但仍然随着表格一起发送,该输入不应该绑定 label
2.2 Checkboxes and radio buttons
- type: checkbox
- id: id of this checkbox,binding with the label element
- name: the variable name binds with the checkbox
- value: the given value when the box is checked
- checked (optional): is this box checked default
Radio button
same as checkbox
2.3 Actual buttons
The input
element also has three special button types: submit, reset, and button.
- submit:a GET request will be sent after click, and the data is uploaded within URL
- reset:reset the whole form
- button:a customized button
2.4 Image button
An image button is similar to an image element, except that, when you click it, it will send a GET request with the mouse's relative position according to the image.
- type: image
- alt: the alternative text when the image is missing
- src: the source of the image
- name: the name of this button
- width: the width of the image
- height: the height of the image
Once you click it, the following request will be sent.
GET http://foo.com?pos.x=123&pos.y=456 HTTP/1.1
2.5 File picker
This is a file picker, the user can upload one or multiple files. Normally, a file picker has the following attributes:
- type: file
- name: the customized name
- accept: accept which type of file
- "image/*"
- "video/*"
- "audio/*"
- multiple (optional): upload multiple files.
3. Summary
In this article, we learn the basic knowledge of web forms and some naive form widgets, including:
- single line input: text, tel, email, search ...
- checkable input: checkbox and radio
- actual button: submit, reset, and button
- Image button
- File picker
With those elements, we can start building our own web forms.
Thanks for reading!